
Rememberance Day

 During this time to remember Ms. Cozzolino Giorlando's classes participated in the postcard for peace through veterans affairs.  The students wrote messages of thanks and encouragement to veterans.  The cards were given to a local legion. 

Ballon Release

 Ms. Hanna's class doing a balloon release in memory of those who suffered in residential schools. 

Orange Shirt Day! Nation Day for Truth and Reconciliation!

 Religion Classes have been reflecting all week on the issues that impact First Nations peoples in Canada.  During Orange Shirt Day, the First Nation Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Ms Lopez and Ms Di Matteo's classes coloured feathers and made a display to remember children who lost their lives and were impacted by residential schools.  Ms Cozzolino Giorlando's class researched the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action and discussed them as a class.  After they made small cards and posted them outside the classroom to reflect on Orange Shirt Day.  

A new school year!

  Welcome everyone to a new school year!  It is wonderful to hear the halls and classrooms bustling with students again.  I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the department for this year. Grade 9 teachers for this year are: Laura Lopez Deanna Di Matteo Stephanie Quaglia Monica Taylor Grade 10 teachers for this year: Elizabeth Peacock Susan Hanna Sue D'Amelio Stephanie Quaglia Grade 11 Cari Meneghini Peter Straub Grade 12  Antonella Cozzolino Giorlando These are some amazing teachers that are bringing a lot of talent to the department.  We look forward to a wonderful year!

YPI (Youth in Philanthropy)

 The year is coming to a close and with that, the YPI event has also wrapped up. This event has grade 10 students in the religion classes research and visit a local charity in a bid to win funds for that charity.  These funds go a long way to help out the people of Windsor Essex.  This year has posed a challenge for the teachers and students in grade 10 who participated in YPI.  However, they still rose to the challenge and produced amazing work. This year we would like to congratulate:  Maya Williams for Noah's House  Donnovan Bennett for Family Respite Services  Raein Zara, Noah Hammett, Haydin Blain, Ben Farina, Louis Tessier, Hunter Moore for Ronald McDonald House Maryam Sako, Hailey Mallett, Sedra Yousif for Windsor Women Working with Immigrant Women Also a huge congratulations and thank you to Beth Peacock and Dawn Ibrahim who have worked with these students to help them produce such amazing work.   This could not function without you b...

Learning about the Holocaust

 Last week the students in Ms. Cozzolino Giorlando's grade 11 and 12 classes participated in a meet with a survivor of the Holocaust.  After reading the novel "The Weight of Freedom" the students met with the author Nate Leipciger.  Through a Q&A the students furthered their understanding of the Shoa.  They were very attentive and asked very poignant questions.