
Showing posts from 2017

Goodfellows Canvasing

Yesterday students in all religion classes participated in the Goodfellows canvasing.  They did great work and collected over 400 dollars and hundreds of cans.  Congratulations to Mr. Bauer, Ms. Di Matteo, Mr. Greco, Mr. D'Amore, Ms. Manocha, Ms. Meneghini, Ms. Riach and Ms. Cozzolino Giorlando's classes for representing Brennan so well out in our community. Mr. Barichello was very appreciative that we have kept this 40 year tradition alive and​​ well here. 

Thanks Father Chris

Father Chris came to speak to Ms. Cozzolino Giorlando's grade 12 class about Natural Law and other topics.  They had many questions that he gave great answers to. 


Here is another attempt to show the picture of the students and the presentation. 

Goodbye to Ms. Krebs Chulubko

Ms. Krebs Chulubko has left to begin her mat leave.  We wish her all the best in this new beginning. Taking over her class is Mr. D'Amore.  Welcome to him to the department! It is an exciting time. It is coats for kids time.   Campus Ministry is collecting used coats.  Please send your student to school with a coat to donate if possible.  The drive ends October 25th.  Ms. Cozzolino Giorlando's class had a guest speaker today from Engineers Without Borders.   They learned about the water crisis in the developing world. Ryan form the university did a very informative presentation for the students.  ​   IMAG0092.jpg ​

Welcome to a new School Year!

A new school year has begun! Our teachers are very excited about all the exciting activities and information for this semester.  The department is made up of: Ms. Meneghini (11) Mr. Greco (12)  Ms. Di Matteo (9) Ms. Manocha (9) Mr. Bauer (10) Ms. Krebs Chulubko (10) Ms. Riach (10)  Ms. Cozzolino Giorlando (11,12) Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Take a look at the blog for any upcoming information about the department. 

Even More Games!


More Games!


End of Year

The Religion Department would like to thank everyone for a very challenging year.  We learned a great deal and had some fun as well. Here are some pictures from Ms. Marcuzzi's class of students reviewing for the exam with games. 

Stations of the cross

A message from Ms. Di Matteo  We made stations of the cross books before Easter! They had to cut the correct image and glue it into the booklet where they would match the image to the description.  What great work from the class. 

Cards for the paediatric wing of WRH

Ms. Marcuzzi's grade 9 class created Easter/ get well cards for the the paediatric wing for WRH.  Beautiful work by the students to connect with children in need. 

Making lunch for the missions!

Perio​​d 1 World Religion making lunches for the missions.  They worked really hard to feed the hungry. ​   IMG_7766.JPG ​


Comics are a great way for students to show their understanding of material.   Here is an example of a comic from Ms. Di Matteo's class that updated some bible stories.  ​   Comic strip.jpg ​

Grade 9 ISU

That time of year has started.  ISU projects in many different classes.  Here is a picture of a grade 9 student presenting their ISU in Ms. Marcuzzi's class.​   IMG_8215.jpg ​

Totem Poles

The Grade 11 world religion students created some very personal and interesting creative assignments.  Using the concepts of the totem pole from First Nation peoples of the west, they created their own poles using symbols and materials that were meaningful for them. Take a look!

Word Art


Word Art

Ms.Deanna Di Matteo's class worked very hard to create some beautiful word art.  Here is an example of what it looks like.

Ms. Deanna Di Matteo's Class

As a class, we are conducting prayers together (a different student is responsible for a prayer each day) along with daily intentions.  The poster (containing post it notes of each student's Lenten promise) is a daily reminder to keep our commitments to God and to ourselves.  ​​

New Semester!

It is the start of a new semester!  Everyone is busy getting to know one another.  We would like to welcome to the department some new people. Mr. Banjavcic who is teaching grade 9 and 10. Ms. Di Matteo who is teaching grade 9. Ms. Garrisi who is teaching grade 10.   They are doing a great job making the student feel comfortable.   We would also like to say a big thank you as well to Mr. Greco, Ms. Meneghini and Ms. Marcuzzi who are back in the department this semester who do a great job with our students.  Here is to a new semester!