Welcome to a new semester! Students have been hard at work getting into new routines and classes.
The department is glad to have Ms. Marcuzzi, Mr. Adomovich, and Mr. Shust again for the semester. We welcome Mr. Greco, Ms.Sokoli, and Mr. Khalil to our team.
As a class, we are conducting prayers together (a different student is responsible for a prayer each day) along with daily intentions. The poster (containing post it notes of each student's Lenten promise) is a daily reminder to keep our commitments to God and to ourselves.
There have been changes again in the department. We say a fond farewell to Mr. Grossi. Good luck in his future endeavours. In his place we have Ms. Diponti. She has fit right in with the students and has helped them make a very smooth transition. Ms. Gaffan's class has been working on creating their own personal credo's. They have done a great job. Kudos to them for finding the words to state what they believe in. ISU's have begun in some of out classes. The students are exploring bible themes such as forgiveness and faith. They then adapt them to their life experiences. The grade 12 classes have been looking at broader social justice issues such as sex selective abortion and suicide. They have done a very professional job so far dealing with these sensitive topics. Thanks to all of them for sharing their personal stories. Earth day is tomorrow, April 22nd. How can we start making sma...