New School Year!

Well, a month has gone by and we have been working very hard to provide a smooth transition for our students in the Catholic Studies Department. We have been using a variety of different resources to help students feel connected while learning in class and from home. Some of these resources are Nearpod, Quizzez, Quizlet, EdPuzzle, Kahoots, Jamboard, and more. Each one provides a way for students to practice their skills and have fun. The new Webcams are also a way we are trying to give our Cohort D students the feeling of being in class. This Quadmester the Department consists of: Ms. Meneghini teaching grade 11 world religion. Ms. Ibrahim teaching grade 10 religion. Ms. Cozzolino Giorando teaching grade 12. We would like to welcome Mr. Senjanin teaching grade 9 this Quadmester. He is new to F.J. Brennan and is doing a great job. We all look forward to helping our students succeed in this new environment. God Bless. The information in this e-mail is intended...